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Turkey Says Ground Troops Are The Only Solution To Syria Conflict

Turkey says that the only way to stop the war in Syria is to deploy ground troops in the Arab country’s northern regions. On Tuesday a Turkish official called on the United States and its allies to take part in a joint ground operation in Syria, saying it would be impossible to stop the war without a greater effort against a Moscow-backed Syrian government offensive. Press TV reports: A Turkish official told reporters in Istanbul on Tuesday that the only possible solution to the conflict in Syria is ground operations, but Turkey would not carry out such an operation on its own. “We are asking coalition partners that there should be a ground operation,” the official said on condition of anonymity. “We want a ground operation. If there is a consensus, Turkey will take part. Without a ground operation, it is impossible to stop this war… Turkey is not going to have a unilateral ground operation … We are discussing this with allies” Another Turkish official who commented about the ground ops in Syria is Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu who is trying to cajole Ankara’s allies into okaying the deployment of the troops. “Some countries like us, Saudi Arabia and [...]