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US And Germany To Replace Media With State Controlled Propaganda

Global totalitarians are rejoicing at German and US moves to replace the free press with state controlled propaganda. Once the citizenry accept the conceit that some news is ‘real’ (and therefore, good) while other news is ‘fake’ (and therefore, bad) they will voluntarily submit to censorship. Freedom of the press can easily be replaced by sanctioned propaganda, it is happening before our very eyes. Hitler would be breathless at the slick operation being enacted by the establishment in Washington and Germany. Der Spiegel reports the Federal Press Office in the Chancellery will take a sizable role in creating this fake news defense center, which will roll out a dystopian “intensification of political education work,” specifically targeting those the German government feels might be impressionable to ‘fake news’ — particularly “Russian-Germans” and “Turkish-speaking people.” Free Thought Project reports: Fears “false” reports could sway elections in Germany led officials to surmise arrangements for the center “should be negotiated very quickly,” and rules for the 2017 election should be decided among the various political parties. Plans for this center to slay false information sound eerily akin to the recent passage in the U.S. of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, which included blueprints for [...]

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