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US Constitution Listed As ‘Russian Propaganda’ and ‘Fake News’

The mainstream media’s war on fake news has taken an unexpected turn as the U.S. Constitution has been labelled as “Russian propaganda” by their ‘fake news algorithm’.  The Washington Post wrote an op-ed on Thursday detailing how Russia used websites run the U.S. to push anti-Hillary Clinton propaganda in order to ensure Trump won. reports: The left is very focused on “fake news” websites after Hillary Clinton suffered a shocking loss in the November 8th election to Republican Donald Trump. The Washington Post used the obscure website Propaganda or Not as their source for the list of Russian propaganda sites. The Proposition or Not website included several popular conservative websites in their list of Russian propaganda sites: The list included: The Drudge Report Zerohedge Infowars Wikileaks PrisonPlanet American Lookout (Gateway Pundit’s sister site) The entire list and includes several conservative websites along a few far left websites and some satirical fake news sites. Now this… The Proposition or Not organization just released a Chrome plugin that will warn you of Russian influenced websites. They call it their propaganda flagger. The flagger will show you which sites are Russian propaganda sites. The flagger lists the US Constitution as a propaganda site. [...]

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