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Use Of Food Banks At Record High Due To Low Income, Welfare Cuts In UK

The use of food banks in the UK has risen to record highs with more than a million three-day emergency food supplies provided by the Trussell Trust charity last year. As the Trust reveals a continued rise, a separate report estimates more than half of the emergency food aid supplied in Britain comes from independent organisations not included in the charity’s figures Government figures have also indicated a shocking rise in deaths linked to malnutrition. RT reports: The charity’s latest figures point to delays and changes to benefits as the biggest causes of foodbank use by those relying on its 424 centers across the UK. Low incomes, insecure work, high living costs and problems accessing in-work benefits are all leading to a rise in working people being referred to food charities, according to the Trussell Trust’s latest data. Care professionals such as doctors, teachers and social workers identify people in crisis and issue them with foodbank vouchers for non-perishable food, which is donated to centers across the country by members of the public. David McAuley, Chief Executive of the Trussell Trust, insisted the situation “must not become the new normal.” Today’s figures on national foodbank use prove that the numbers [...]