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Vicente Fox Slams ‘Cruel’ Trump Over #DACA, Says Minorities To Be Majority In ‘Few Years’

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Vicente Fox was able to get through an anti-Trump tirade without dropping any F-bombs, in a reaction to the decision to cancel the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (#DACA) program – which a Mark Zuckerberg linked study found would cost ‘Dreamers’ 800,000 jobs which can now to go American citizens and foreigners legally residing in the U.S.

Fox starts off with a sharp ‘TRUMP! You have failed America, cancelling DACA,” adding “This measure is cruel and heartless. Worst than any machine. You’re cancelling the future of 800,000 children and young people. You are so mistaken, the future of any country is the minorities which will be majorities – in a few years. You cannot stop the change. The progress. The future, of that great nation.” 

Who else thinks this is ‘CRUEL’ specifically?

For starters, former Hillary staffer in charge of ShareBlue, Peter Daou – who founded the new liberal propaganda repository Hillary tweeted about the other day:

Who else thinks this is cruel? Why, a ton of liberal pundits, politicians, and CEOs! It’s as if they compared notes for the word of the day.


Twitter is in fact chock full of tweets from prominent liberals who all thought to describe Trump’s decision to end #DACA as ‘cruel.' Perhaps it was even more cruel for Obama to circumvent congress to enact the legally vulnerable DACA. Given the multitude of lawsuits challenging its legality, it seems as if all this 'cruelty' was an inevitable result of Obama's disregard for the constitution.


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