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Washington Using North Korea To Justify War With China

According to Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power organisation, the Cold War is raging again, and this time both China and Russia are being coerced into a military conflict with the West via North Korea. “Really, the Cold War is raging again,” Gagnon told a Russian radio program, “The US is absolutely encircling Russia and China today.” Part of the Pentagon’s strategy includes utilising a new arsenal of “smart” nuclear weapons, complete with adjustable yields, alongside missile defense systems aboard navy warships. Washington are also developing a military space plane dubbed a ‘super drone’, according to Gagnon. reports: “It can stay in orbit for a year at a time. It can have many functions. It can be a surveillance vehicle. It can go up as an anti-satellite weapon and capture another country’s satellites, or it could fire weapons from space onto the earth below,” he says. The technology has been successfully demonstrated previously. “Many years ago, NASA tested a weapon fired from an orbiting satellite around the moon…saying they wanted to go under the ground and look for ice under the moon’s surface,” Gagnon says. “You could take that same technology, orbit the Earth, and fire at China or Russia and use it as a bunker-buster weapon.” [...]