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WATCH: Photographer Explains How 60 Minutes Made Steve Bannon Look Like “Bleary Eyed Drunk”

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After Steve Bannon’s widely viewed interview with Charlie Rose on 60 Minutes Sunday night, professional photographer Peter Duke uploaded a video to YouTube explaining how CBS may have used color adjustments to make the former Trump advisor ‘look bad’ in the interview.

In the video’s description, Duke writes “It seems like 60 minutes would like you to listen less and look more at Steve Bannon. By subtly tweaking the color of the video, they make him look like a bleary-eyed drunk. I show you how they did it.”

Duke goes on to explain how CBS adjusted shots of Bannon to make his eyes and lips red by increasing saturation levels. One clue that photographic trickery was afoot is the difference in color between Bannon’s orange blinds when comparing shots of Charlie Rose and Bannon. Rose’s shots were noticeably ‘cooler,’ to make the host’s make-up more subtle.


CBS Responds

In response to Duke’s video, a representative for CBS curtly told “It’s nonsense.”

Duke, in response to CBS’s ‘Nonsense’ comment, told Gateway Pundit’s Josh Caplan that “All professional video production uses color correction in the editorial process. Minor tweaks can be done in all digital video editing tools, but the majors use Avid Media Composer or Davinci Resolve to add the final finish to the work.

In addition to my experience as a photographer and technologist, I spent 5 years of my career working as creative director at a post-house that produced marketing videos, electronic press kits, for every major studio in Hollywood.”


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