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"We Need To Find That Guy": New Docs Reveal FBI Focus On Leaker In Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Back on June 29, 2016, Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, tried to convince us that the following 'impromptu' meeting between herself and Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport, a private meeting which lasted 30 minutes on Lynch's private plane, was mostly a "social meeting" in which Bill talked about his grandchildren and golf game.  It was not, under any circumstances, related to the statement that former FBI Director James Comey made just 6 days later clearing Hillary Clinton of any alleged crimes related to his agency's investigation.

Now, newly released FBI emails obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, reveals that, in the days following Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton's brazen display of government corruption, the FBI seemingly made no attempt to ascertain whether that meeting might have been conducted in an effort to undermine an ongoing investigation of Hillary Clinton but rather focused on tracking down the whistleblower, allegedly a member of the Phoenix Police Department, for leaking details of the outrageous meeting. 

Per the following email chain sent on July 3, 2016, a pair of FBI agents discuss who might be responsible for alerting reporters of the now-infamous tarmac meeting with one of the agents saying "we need to find that guy and bring him [in]."

Meanwhile, another email chain goes so far as to label the leaker as a "security threat"...guess there is a fine line between "security threat" and "whistleblower"...and determining on which side of that line you fall just may depend on your political affiliation.

And here is an even larger blast, which appears to go to every FBI field office, that chastises agents for "violating the trust" of the Attorney General "in our team"...what if the Attorney General violates the trust of the entire American public by undermining an ongoing criminal investigation solely for political purposes?  Is that not an issue for the FBI?

And here is more targeting...

Of course, in light of all the leaks that have occurred since President Trump moved into the White House, we do wonder whether the FBI is pursuing each of them with the same vigor as they apparently pursued this Phoenix police officer...

Here is the full FOIA dump from Judicial Watch for your reading pleasure: