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Wikileaks: Government Has 700 Centers Abroad To Fight Conspiracy Theories

Wikileaks have released a series of secret documents by the US Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) that reveals their program of countering conspiracy theories by installing over 700 “American Spaces” abroad that are tasked with spreading anti-conspiracy propaganda.  The goal of the program is to advance “U.S. policy priorities and goals” in foreign countries, employing propagandists in 700 different locations to protect Israel for any blame for the crimes it commits or its role in the 9/11 attacks. reports: Today there are over 700 “spaces” in nearly 170 countries around the world. According to the State Department’s website, these “American Spaces” are generally located outside of cities, in places where most individuals are likely to harbor anti-US sentiment, and where US embassy officials can engage local residents. It’s unclear exactly where each “American Space” is located on the map, as is the case with US military bases — no one knows exactly how many there are, much less where they are all located — but one thing is certain from US diplomatic cables: Nigeria is a hotspot of IIP activity. A secure document sent by the US Embassy in Nigeria shortly after the attacks of September the 11th [...]