In a bid to promote a new Zika vaccine authorities are now claiming that the Zika virus may cause mental disorders and developmental disorders such as autism. Dr. W. Ian Lipkin, director of The Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University, told The New York Times, “I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a big upswing in A.D.H.D., autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia,” in an interview about the potential consequences of the virus. reports: And he added, “We are looking at a large group of individuals who may not be able to function in this world.” This is an unimaginable scenario. For years, anti-vaccination proponents have screamed to the top of the mountain that vaccines cause autism only to have duct tape placed firmly over their mouths. Then suddenly, a “brand new” epidemic begins and is associated with birth defects until that theory falls apart, then it is replaced with autism. It is more than a shame, it is an absurdly desperate attempt at salvaging remnants from a crumbling building. So now a new vaccine (Zika vaccine) will prevent autism. That’s the direction we are heading. This is shameless as much as it is desperate and caters to the seriously [...]