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Pope Francis Warns Russian Patriarch “The End Is Coming”

The Russian Orthodox Church have confirmed that the Vatican have requested an “urgent and immediate” meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill over church leaders’ fears that the end of the world is coming.  The meeting is scheduled to take place on 12 February in Cuba. reports: According to this report, this unprecedented meeting between Christendom’s top two leaders is the first rapprochement between these factions since the Great Schism of 1054 that precipitated the final separation between the Eastern Christian churches (led by the patriarch of Constantinople, Michael I Cerularius) and the Western Church (led by Pope Leo IX) that resulted in the mutual excommunications by the Pope and the Patriarch that became a watershed in church history. Raising the fears of Pope Francis in his urging this meeting with Patriarch Kirill to take place, the MVD says they were informed by the DER, are his fears that our world is on the precipice of war after the Ministry of Defense (MoD) warned yesterday that Turkey is in the final preparations for their invading of Syria—and which should they do would necessitate a declaration of war against Turkey by the Federation which the Obama regime led NATO forces would [...]