Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under attack on Twitter after activists accused the PM of being “genocidal” following his announcement to build a fence around Israel to protect the nation from “wild beasts”. The Israeli leader used the provocative and dehumanizing language on an official tour of Israel’s eastern border, where a security fence is currently being erected. reports: “Will we surround all of the state of Israel with fences and barriers? The answer is yes. In the area that we live in, we must defend ourselves against the wild beasts,” Netanyahu said. Netanyahu wants to put Jews in giant, fenced, ghetto — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) February 9, 2016 The Israeli leader also referred to Tel Aviv’s neighbors as “predators.” At an estimated cost of US$74.4 million, the new 30-kilometer barrier is being built at the same time as a new airport undergoes construction in the Timna Valley. The man running Israel is explicitly calling Arabs “wild beasts.” That’s genocidal language, unconditionally bankrolled by the US taxpayer. — Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) February 10, 2016 However, the new security barrier is merely the tip of the iceberg for Israel, a country which spends approximately 5.2 percent of [...]