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Shadow CIA Warns Of Significant Russian Air Defences In Syria

Should Turkey or Saudi Arabia attack Syrian forces they will be met with significant Russian Air Power, according to a report by Stratfor, the US-based intelligence think tank, often called the Shadow CIA. Sputnik reports: In its report, Stratfor points out that “when Turkey downed a Russian Su-24 warplane on November 24, it did not just sour relations between Ankara and Moscow: It gave Russia a reason to build up its air defense capabilities in Syria.” And build up they did. “Before the incident, the Russian air cover burden depended on four deployed multirole Su-30 aircraft – clearly visible in a ready position near the runway in the recent imagery obtained by AllSource Analysis – that escorted strike packages.” ​However, “a week after the downing, Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in Syria were spotted carrying R-27 air-to-air missiles. Russia also rushed advanced surface-to-air missile systems to Syria, including Buk systems and the long-range and highly capable S-400 system. The S-400 launch vehicles can be seen in a well-protected portion of the Bassel al-Assad air base [Hmeymim] near Latakia.” Минобороны России YouTube video: “Preparation ​for combat mission by a Su-34 armed with air-to-air missiles” “Russia,” Stratfor’s analysis warned, “has enhanced its air defenses to prevent other countries from entering the Syrian conflict. There are increasing reports that Turkey [...]