One of the original members of The Jackson 5 and the brother of the late music legend Michael Jackson, has come out and criticized the U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump for mentioning his brother during his campaign. The Donald who is currently leading the polls for the Republicans was interviewed in a CNN town-hall and discussed his relationship with Michael Jackson, saying that the superstar had lost all his confidence prior to his death due to botch surgery jobs. Michael’s brother Jermaine Jackson, a superstar in his own right for his music and personality, told the billionaire businessman come political reality star, to keep away from his brother’s memory and legacy and stop name-dropping for the sake of advancing his political career. Trump also name-dropped his favorite business franchises and hygienic eateries: Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken. He told Anderson Cooper in the CNN interview that he was a good friend of Michael Jackson and new the man very well. The Mirror reports: The US presidential runner told the tale about the late pop star while being interviewed at the CNN Republican town hall in South Carolina. Trump, 69, said about Jacko and Lisa-Marie’s 1994 honeymoon at the Mar-a-Lago [...]