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Putin Calls Saudi King In An Effort To Stop World War

President Putin made an unusual and urgent call to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on Wednesday after the leader of Saudi Arabia refused to speak to President Obama on the upcoming Syrian ceasefire later this week – a situation which risked a World War if left unresolved. The Saudi king spoke to Putin about the nature of the Russian-US ceasefire agreement in Syria, before agreeing to cooperate with it. “The king of Saudi Arabia welcomed the reached agreements and expressed readiness to cooperate with Russia for their implementation,” The Kremlin reports. reports: The Russian-US agreement on Syria, this report explains, was completed two days ago and calls for a ceasefire to begin in Syria at 00:00 (Damascus time) on 27 February 2016, but does not include airstrikes conducted by Syrian, Russian and the US-led coalition against Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) and al-Nusra Front terrorist forces that will continue. The anger existing between President Obama and king Salman, this report continues, revolves around Saudi Arabia’s moves to collapse the United States oil production economy, which in 2015 had cost the jobs ofnearly 300,000 Americans (and more expected in 2016) and just this week the Saudis telling the US that not only [...]