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Bombshell Missing Clinton Email Says Saudi Financed Benghazi Attacks

A Clinton email leaked by a Romanian hacker in March 2013 reveals that French and Libyan intelligence agencies had evidence that the Benghazi attacks were funded by Saudi Arabia.  The four emails, released by a hacker calling himself Guccifer, were sent between Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal –  a close friend and adviser to the Clinton family who worked in an unofficial capacity on intelligence matters to Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State. reports: Originally displayed on in Comic Sans font on a pink background with the letter “G” clumsily drawn as a watermark, no one took these leaked e-mails particularly seriously when they came out in 2013. Now, however, we can cross reference this leak with the e-mails the State Department released to the public. The first three e-mails in the Russia Today leak from Blumenthal to Clinton all appear word for word in the State Department release. The first e-mail Clinton asks to have printed and she also forwards it to her deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan. The second e-mail Clinton describes as “useful insight” and forwards it to Jake Sullivan asking him to circulate it. The third e-mail is also forwarded to Jake Sullivan. The fourth e-mail [...]