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FBI Cancels Encryption Showdown With Apple After "3rd Party" Showed Them How To Unlock iPhone

Following a mysterious "third party"'s willingness to show The FBI how to unlock San Bernardino killer Farook's iPhone, court records indicate that the US government wishes to cancel tomorrow's showdown with Apple, filing a motion to vacate the hearing.

Hours after Tim Cook explcitly told the world (marketed) his firm would never sell out their privacy...


The US government filed a motion on Monday to vacate Tuesday’s hearing against Apple.

"Outside Party" to the rescue - wonder if they were Russian?



According to the memorandum, “On Sunday, March 20, 2016, an outside party demonstrated to the FBI a possible method for unlocking Farook’s iPhone.” The third party and what the possible methods could be involved are both mysteries.

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Did Apple fold quietly behind the scenes? Is this how both sides save face with neither side appearing to have given an inch on their defense (or persecution) of personal liberty? Who knows, but if the US Government suddenly places an order for 1 million iPhone SEs, then we have our answer.