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Crisis Actor Exposed: A Mormon Missionary Named Mason

In Russia there is an old saying, ‘The first time is an accident. The second time is a coincidence. The third time is an enemy attack.’ Keep this old saying in mind while you consider the story of the 19-year-old Mormon missionary from Utah by the name of Mason Wells who, in an unfortunate string of ‘accidents’ and ‘coincidences,’ found himself at the epicentre of the West’s last three major terror attacks, spread across three cities and two continents on different sides of the world. That’s right, young Mason found himself at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, in the firing line in Paris when it was under attack, and has now popped up in Brussels, where he appeared in the news with bandages on his face covering what he said were serious burns. Now I may not be a mathematician, but I’d say the odds of that happening to one person are literally astronomical. Is it likely that Mason found himself at the sight of the last three terror attacks ‘accidentally’ and ‘coincidentally’ or is there more chance he works for an intelligence agency such as the CIA? Do not forget that Mormon missionaries in Russia and Ukraine [...]