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Robert De Niro Forced To Pull Anti-vaccine Film From Festival

Robert De Niro has been forced to pull a controversial anti-vaccine film from the Tribeca Film Festival – following condemnation from Big Pharma groups. The long-anticipated documentary film VAXXED – From Cover-Up to Catastrophe was scheduled to be shown at the film festival following its censorship elsewhere due to its claim that vaccines cause autism. De Niro had originally defended his decision to screen the documentary, saying that as his own son has autism he felt it was vitally important that the issues surrounding vaccines and autism were openly discussed and examined. reports: As more pressure was brought against De Niro for defending the free speech of what might be one of the single most important documentaries of our modern age, he caved. He pulled the film from Tribeca, participating in the censorship that was demanded by the vaccine totalitarians. The film’s page on Tribeca was also memory holed and De Niro felt compelled to issue a follow-up statement today that appeases the demands of the vaccine fundamentalists: My intent in screening this film was to provide an opportunity for conversation around an issue that is deeply personal to me and my family. But after reviewing it over the past few days [...]