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Advanced Surface-to-Air Missiles Keep Surfacing In Syria

Islamist rebel groups shot down their second Syrian plane in a month on Tuesday using advanced Surface-to-Air Missiles. Inquiries are being made into how these advance weapons keep falling into the hands of terrorist groups such as al-Nusra and Daesh. American weaponry is finding its way through Turkey into terrorist hands in Syria, while Saudi Arabia bankrolls the project and provides spiritual support. Sputnik reports: ​On Tuesday, Islamist rebels shot down a Syrian plane, the second such incident in less than a month, and captured the pilots. Inquiries are being made at the highest level as to how the al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, has come into possession of advanced Western surface-to-air missiles. Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker sat down with Institute of Islamic Thought director Zafar Bangash on Thursday to discuss the developing situation in Syria and whether access to this weaponry will undermine Syrian air superiority. Where are al-Qaeda affiliates getting these advanced weapons? “According to the information that has emerged, it was al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria,” explained Bangash. He speculated that the missiles were sold to the extremist group by Turkey and paid for by Saudi Arabia, in a continuing effort to overthrow the Assad regime. He suggested that the Americans have a hand [...]