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Stock Up On Nutritional Supplements Before Attorney General Bans Them

The U.S. Justice Department have joined forces with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in an attempt to completely ban nutritional supplements in the United States.  Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently warned consumers that “ingesting substances whose safety and efficacy are not guaranteed” – citing a biased FDA study to back up her claims. reports: As ANH-USA has pointed out in response to others who have made similar statements, the FDA does not do its own research, it relies on industry studies to reach decisions about whether to allow new drugs and treatments to come to the market. And most of those studies are done by the drug makers themselves, not independent (and unbiased) researchers. “No independent review is done to check the industry’s results, which has led to all kinds of manipulation and sometimes disastrous outcomes (see the examples of Vioxx and Avandia). And after approval is granted, the actual medicine itself is never tested, even though it may be manufactured in Chinese plants or other faraway locales,” the advocacy organization said. In fact, so-called “FDA approval” has never been a guarantee that a product is safe. That should be obvious given that, even when properly prescribed, prescription drugs [...]