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Thousands Join Resign Cameron Protest After Panama Papers Scandal

Thousands of protesters have arrived in Central London calling for the resignation of prime minister David Cameron and tougher action on tax avoidance. Following the revelations about his tax affairs in the Panama papers, demonstrators are asking Mr Cameron to either “close tax loopholes or resign” Along with the protest in Downing Street, smaller regional demonstrations are being help across the country. Popstar Lily Allen and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden are among those calling for Cameron to step down The Independent reports: Protestors arrived at Downing Street wearing “offshore-themed” outfits including Panama hats and carrying props such as a huge pig-shaped piñata. Events began at Whitehall at 11am on Saturday — and may last for hours or even days after that, according to protestors. The protestors are explicitly drawing inspiration from the demonstrations in Iceland, which saw a huge proportion of the country’s population march on its parliament. Soon after, the country’s Prime Minister quit. Two of the most popular Facebook events for the protest each have thousands of people who have registered as going, with many more indicating that they are “interested”. Together, over 20,000 people have indicated that they could go to the protests. One of those Facebook events promises that [...]