Many eerie references in film, TV and music were made to 9/11 before the attacks actually occurred. Among them is a passport for the character Neo in the film The Matrix, released in 1999. In the film, Neo’s passport is clearly shown to have an expiration date of ’11 SEP 01′ – a weird coincidence some two years before the 9/11 attacks. reports: Further, the 10-year passport shows an issue date of ’12 SEP 91′– only one day after George H.W. Bush’s haunting September 11, 1991 speech before Congress where he called for, in no uncertain terms, a New World Order (and before that on Sept. 11, 1990) . Indeed, September 11 proves to be an important occultic date/number to the elites. Coincidence or not, the Wachowski brothers, the film’s directors, have proven to be obviously knowledgeable about a number of esoteric meanings– not only do both The Matrix trilogy and V for Vendetta contain plotlines laden with occult symbolism, but its imagery is also textured throughout these films. Such pre-9/11 coincidences are prevalent elsewhere in the media as well. For instance, a 1997 episode of the Simpsons shows Lisa holding an ad for a $9 bus trip to New York with [...]