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Iranian Man Self-Immolates On Pacific Island Refugee Centre

An Iranian man set himself on fire on Wednesday in protest at being kept in a refugee detention centre by the Australian government on the small island community of Nauru. Four other refugees also reportedly attempted suicide during a visit by UN officials to the immigration detention and offshore asylum processing center in the South Pacific. Human rights groups have long criticised the policy and conditions in the camps. Buddhist monk self-immolation The New Arab reports: Immigration Minister Peter Dutton revealed the 23-year-old would be air-lifted from the Pacific island to hospital in Australia, but made clear that if he survived and recovered he would be sent back. “I can inform you that there was a 23-year-old male who had originally come from Iran, by boat, was on Nauru and outside of the detention centre, in fact in one of the settlement areas, had set himself alight, self-immolated this morning,” he told a press conference. “He’s in a very serious condition and the plan is to provide an air-lift for him later tonight but he is in a very, very serious condition and his outlook is not good at all.” Officials have not said why the man set himself on fire. Canberra [...]