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Protest Turns Violent Outside Donald Trump Rally In California

Anti Donald Trump protesters in Costa Mesa, California clashed with police and Trump supporters outside a rally on Thursday night. Police arrested twenty people in the small conservative town where one third of the residents are Hispanics. Think Progress reports: Hundreds of protesters blocked traffic and yelled “racists go home” outside Trump’s first major California campaign rally, where the Republican frontrunner again vowed to crack down on “illegal immigration.” The Orange County Sheriff’s Department reported the high arrest count, and photos and videos from the scene show anti-Trump protesters jumping on police cars and smashing car windows. “We’re going to build a wall,” Trump said at the beginning of Thursday’s rally. “We can’t have this, folks. We don’t have a country anymore. I’m looking at statistics where your crime numbers are so crazy, they’re going through the roof.” Meanwhile, the scene outside grew increasingly violent as fights broke out between Trump supporters and protesters. According to NBC News, protesters were also heard yelling: “Whose streets? Our streets!” “This is the anger people have against Trump,” 21-year-old Jose Cruz told the Los Angeles Times, pointing to the protesters running in the middle of the street. #OCSDPIO Post Trump Rally Protest over. [...]