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Anonymous Declares War On Bank Of England

Anonymous have begun their month-long campaign against the world’s biggest banks, and have set their sights on the Bank of England as their top target.  The hacktivist group have warned that big banks worldwide will see their power “come crashing down”. reports: The eerie threat came as the group started its thirty-day campaign against international banks with an attack on the central bank of Greece. A new video by the group – called Shut Down the Banks – has said it will begin a cyber attack campaign against major financial instituions including in China, America and Britain. The hacking operation against the banks, named Operation Icarus Phase 2, differs form previous anti-banking campaign by specifically naming its targets. In particular, Anonymous announced a cyber-attack war against the Bank of England and New York Stock Exchange. In the chilling video, the Anonymous spokesman said: “This is the operation to end all others.” The organization – made up of international hackers – targeted the Central Bank of Greece’s website on Tuesday with a DDoS attack. The Anonymous spokesman added: “Today, we have continuously taken down the website of the bank of Greece. “This marks the start of a 30-day campaign against [...]