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Obama To Disclose Truth About Aliens Before He Leaves White House

President Obama will give an historic speech to the entire world in which he will disclose the truth about aliens.  According to alien disclosure lobbyist Steve Bassett, the White House is due to reveal the truth about aliens visiting the Earth before the end of 2016. Bassett, who also heads the Paradigm Research Group, has been campaigning the U.S. government to reveal the truth about aliens for over 20 years. And his campaigning, it seems, is about to pay off. reports: There was an air of excitement about Mr Bassett as he arrived at the Daily Express offices in London during a visit to the UK and Europe to gather international support for a 20-year mission. He was clutching a mock-up Daily Express front page he created with the words “We Are Not Alone” over the face of an alien as the top story. He said: “This will be a reality this year and across the front pages of newspapers across the world. The most significant news story that has ever been broken.” Mr Bassett is convinced his two decades of work are about to bear fruit. So why 2016? A media storm has slowly been brewing on both sides [...]