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Robot Apocalypse? Artificial Intelligence Now Able To Reproduce

Scientists in Amsterdam have created the world’s first batch of robots that can reproduce and create offspring, and experts have warned that the Artificial Intelligence could pose a real threat to humans in the coming years.  The new robots have been programmed with a genome that enables them to communicate with each other, learn, and evolve by creating their own new genomes with new information they have learnt. reports: Thus, a new robot is born in a way that resembles evolution in nature. So what could be so advantageous about teaching robots to reproduce themselves in this manner? In the Robot Baby Project at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, scientists have developed a way for robots to have ‘sex’ and pass on their DNA to offspring. Doing this can allow them to ‘develop their bodies through evolution,’ making for successive generations that have more advanced physical and behavioural capabilities. As the process continues, the researchers say robots can become more suitable for use in unknown environments that could be hazardous to humans, like deep sea mines or even other planets. Of course, all great technologies are by their nature, a double-edged sword. Every technology that can be used for good can also be used [...]