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Russian Scientists Create Technology To Transmute Known Elements

Russian Scientists have created a technology that would make it possible to transmute any element from the periodic table into another. Ancient Code reports: The discovery was produced by two Russian theoretical and experimental scientists who according to reports,  were trying to figure out how to fuel a spacecraft using any element found in space. During the press conference, Researcher Vladislav Karabanov stated: Today, here in Geneva, we are making public a discovery and a technology which without any exaggeration could be of historic significance. The essence of this discovery and the technology boils down to the development of an industrial method for the transformation of chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes. What we’ll have to show you today is the transmutation without nuclear reactors, without heavy water, or anything of the kind, to obtain a transmutation of elements. Our approach to transmutation of chemical elements is biochemical in nature.  It is still too early to fully grasp the economic and civilization significance of this technology. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this discovery is a veritable revolution that’s going to open a new chapter in our technological progress. Unlikely as it may sound, this [...]

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