For weeks the Trump campaign has seemingly been agonizing over the Secretary of State position. Media reports, to which we attribute the utmost credibility, have suggested that the decision has divided Trump's transition team into three factions: those who want Romney, those who want Giuliani and those who prefer anyone other than those two frontrunners.
While we have no way of knowing what is actually fact versus fiction, what we do know is that Kellyanne Conway is not in the Romney camp. Conway has made the rounds on this weekend's political talk shows bashing Romney for his brutal criticism of Donald Trump throughout the primaries and general election saying that Trump supporters would "feel betrayed to think that Governor Romney, who went out of his way to question the character and the intellect and the integrity of Donald Trump, now our president-elect, would be given the most significant cabinet post of all, Secretary of State." Per Politico:
“I’m all for party unity, but I’m not sure that we have to pay for that with the Secretary of State position,” Conway said. “We don’t even know if Mitt Romney voted for Donald Trump.”
And she wasn't done yet.
Later, on NBC's "Meet the Press," Conway continued to make the case against Romney.
"People feel betrayed to think that Governor Romney, who went out of his way to question the character and the intellect and the integrity of Donald Trump, now our president-elect, would be given the most significant cabinet post of all, Secretary of State," Conway told host Chuck Todd.
"They feel a bit betrayed that you can get a Romney back in there after everything he did."
Here's what Conway had to say on CNN's "State of the Union":
Conway: Trump backers feel "betrayed" he is considering Romney for secretary of state
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) November 27, 2016
And here is Conway on "Meet the Press" with the beacon of mainstream media impartiality, Chuck Todd (fast forward to 8:00 minute mark for the Romney exchange):
Of course, this latest media blitz follows a Thanksgiving Day tweet sent out by Conway which served as her first "shot across the bow."
Receiving deluge of social media & private comms re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) November 24, 2016
Meanwhile, Conway isn't the only one speaking out against Romney taking the Secratary of State position as Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee have also been vocal critics.
.@newtgingrich on potential @MittRomney apology -- "there is nothing Romney can say that doesn't sound phony or frankly pathetic" @ffweekend
— Ed Henry (@edhenry) November 27, 2016
Sadly, Mitt Romney is probably among the most qualified candidates in the country for the Secretary of State position though his criticisms of Trump rightfully elicit concerns of loyalty. So, the question becomes will Trump cave to supporters angry over campaign rhetoric or will he overlook past aggressions to choose the most qualified candidate? We should know soon.