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Dutch Police Arrest Terror Suspect With Loaded AK-47 And ISIS Flag

Just hour after anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders was convicted of insulting and inciting discrimination against Maroccans, moments ago the local police announced they have arrested a man in Rotterdam, suspected of planning a terrorist attack, according to local media reports. Law enforcement found a Kalashnikov assault rifle and an Islamic State flag while raiding the man’s house, RT adds.

According to various Dutch media outlets, the suspect in question was arrested back on Wednesday, when an anti-terrorist unit raided his house and found a Kalashnikov assault rifle with two full magazines.

An ISIS flag was also found in the 30-year-old man’s apartment. Special forces also seized four boxes containing explosive materials, the suspect’s mobile phone, and some 1,600 euro.

According to the local Limburger media outlet, police initially received a tip off from Holland’s Algemene Inlichtingen-en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) intelligence agency.

The arrest comes at a sensitive time for the country, with Wilders rising in the polls, and is expected by many to become the latest anti-establishment politician to rise to the top, leading to further troubles for the European project.