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Kissinger Says Give Trump A Chance

Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger has warned against pre-judging the president elect, telling critics to judge Trump on his policies, rather than his rhetoric. He said that the personality of Donald Trump has “no precedent” in modern US history, but he should be given a chance to put forward his policies. Kissinger warned critics not to judge the president-elect based on his campaign rhetoric and highlighted his potential to shape global politics and keep to the US tradition of “building world peace.” Press TV reports: “International debate should be over evolving American policy, not over campaign rhetoric,” Kissinger said Sunday at the Nobel Peace Prize forum in Oslo. “Before postulating an inevitable crisis, an opportunity should be given to the new administration to put forward its vision of international order,” he noted. Trump’s foreign policy rhetoric during the 2016 presidential campaign made many US allies from Europe to Asia concerned about their future relations with Washington. Trump called NATO an “obsolete” alliance and raised doubts over whether the US under his command would assist a NATO ally under attack. He also suggested that Japan and South Korea should obtain nuclear weapons to boost their ability in deterring regional rivals like [...]

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