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Trump Will Destroy CIA Over False Hacking Allegations

Donald J. Trump is likely to decimate the CIA over it’s fraudulent allegations that Russian hackers influenced the U.S. elections in collusion with him.  Trump does not suffer fools gladly, and this last ditch desperate attack from the current administration via rogue elements within the intelligence community will not go unpunished. “I always get even…I go out of my way to make [their] life miserable.” – Donald Trump reports: On Wednesday night, NBC released a report, in collusion with a myriad of anonymous sources reputed to be inside the CIA and other intelligence agencies, claiming that Vladimir Putin personally directed the destruction of Hillary Clinton via hacking hers and the DNC’s servers before the US presidential election. Via NBC: U.S. intelligence officials now believe with “a high level of confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News. Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said. The [...]

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