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US Caught Rigging Russia’s Elections

The United States was caught interfering and rigging elections in Russia twenty years ago – a fact the mainstream media seems to have conveniently forgotten. As the U.S. political establishment and corporate media continue to perpetrate the lie that Russian hackers interfered with this years presidential election – the media are refusing to remind the public how the American government gleefully boasted about doing the very same thing in Russia in 1996. reports: Twenty years ago, TIME Magazine exclusively reported on the feats of American political consultants who’d managed — much to the joy of the United States government — to ensure Boris Yeltsin won re-election to the Russian presidency. Titled Rescuing Boris, TIME’s article bore a subtitle eerily similar to accusations flooding headlines two decades later — for altogether different but parallel reasons — “THE SECRET STORY OF HOW FOUR U.S. ADVISERS USED POLLS, FOCUS GROUPS, NEGATIVE ADS AND ALL THE OTHER TECHNIQUES OF AMERICAN CAMPAIGNING TO HELP BORIS YELTSIN WIN.” While the U.S. decries “fake news” and dismisses the successes of alternative media’s reporting on corruption in the Democrat Party by collectively deeming it “Russian propaganda,” it would seem the entire country has forgotten American exploits in Russia [...]

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