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Meltdown! Reporter Says Twitter Gave Him A Seizure

Kurt Eichenwald had a very bizarre public meltdown on Twitter on Friday, telling users that a tweet sent by a conservative gave him an epileptic seizure.  The senior Newsweek writer threatened legal action against all conservatives who sent him animated GIF’s on the social media platform, claiming that he intended to take time away from Twitter in order to consult with law enforcement agencies and lawyers. “Last night, for the second time, a deplorable aware I have epilepsy tweeted a strobe at me with the message “you deserve a seizure’ on it,” Kurt blasted to stunned Twitter followers on Friday. “It worked.” reports: So far, @kurteichenwald has posted 46 tweets about his encounter with @TuckerCarlson, revealing some very unorthodox reporting methods. — Byron York (@ByronYork) December 16, 2016 and before you know it, like any crybaby liberal who can’t stand by his own words…. he deleted them all! — James Taranto (@jamestaranto) December 16, 2016 But don’t worry, gang. There’s screenshots. @cdw @LilMissRightie lol did I screenshot.. — Nick Short (@PoliticalShort) December 16, 2016 You hear that? There is NO DOUBT that Trump was on amphetamine derivatives. NO DOUBT! I’d ask our buddy Kurt to show us his evidence [...]

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