Under normal circumstances, the President-elect Trump and President Obama would discuss the proposed sanctions on Russia and issue a joint statement. After all, Obama doesn't have to deal with the ramifications, Trump does. But in this fucked up political environment we live in, the incoming President and the one sitting in the White House agree on virtually nothing.
Obama and the democrats believe Russia won the election for Trump. As a matter of fact, many republicans like McCain and Ryan most likely believe the same. As such, we have a delicate situation playing out where Russia is being punished and publicly humiliated, in spite of the wishes of the President elect.
The spokesman for President Vladimir Putin says Moscow regrets the new sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia on Thursday and is considering retaliatory steps.
Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Kremlin, said Obama's actions were both "unpredictable" and "aggressive foreign policy."
He furthered:
"Such steps of the U.S. administration that has three weeks left to work are aimed at two things: to further harm Russian-American ties, which are at a low point as it is, as well as, obviously, deal a blow on the foreign policy plans of the incoming administration of the president-elect."
Peskov said Putin was working on methods to retaliate.
Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Kremlin's upper house's international affairs committee, told Interfax Russia "needs to consider the circumstances of the transition period and a possible reaction of the U.S. president-elect."
Content originally generated at iBankCoin.com