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Chomsky Bewildered US Masses Allow ACA Slip Through Their Fingers

American linguistics professor Noam Chomsky believes the American healthcare system to be an “international scandal” which is going to get worse under President-elect Donald Trump. Chomsky, the distinguished scholar and author of over 100 books, wonders why the American masses are not in revolt as Republicans prepare to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The renowned American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist, Noam Chomsky, foresees a bleak future for the American poor in what they can expect from a for-profit driven US healthcare system. He says the American masses are second class citizens in corporate America, where money rules and dollar is god. Chomsky believes that prophets of the money god have a stranglehold over the interpretation of the constitution and it is up to the masses to demand their rights back from corporate elites. The elites think that the dollar is god personified and has equal or more rights than the average citizen. Since they carry large wads of the greenbacks in their pockets, they think they rightly own the world they perceive and are astounded when the 99% don’t treat money with the same level of respect, but rather as a means of [...]

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