A teenage boy has clenched a deal with the government in the Indian state of Gujarat to to make anti-landmine drones for the army. The 14-year-old prodigy had already made three prototypes before managing to sign a deal with the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat, to produce drones that will detect and defuse land mines on battlefields. The teenager says the idea came to him while watching TV and seeing a high number of casualties among soldiers trying to defuse landmines. RT.com reports: The zealous inventor, Harshwardhan Zala, is a tenth-grader from Gujarat state in western India. Ahmedabad (Gujarat): Harshwardhan Zala, 14, signed a Rs 5 crore-worth MoU with the state government to facilitate production of the drones. pic.twitter.com/MkCdhgd64A — ANI (@ANI_news) 13 January 2017 During the Vibrant Gujarat summit, a platform for exploring business opportunities that took place from January 10 to 17 this year, Harshwardhan managed to sign a Rs 5-crore deal to produce drones with the Government of Gujarat’s Department of Science and Technology worth about $733,000. Harshwardhan presented a prototype of the drone that he began developing back in 2016. It had cost him Rs 5 lakh (about $7,300) to make and was [...]
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