In the month leaded up to the election on November 8th, we repeatedly demonstrated how the mainstream media polls from the likes of ABC/Washington Post, CNN and Reuters repeatedly manipulated their poll samples to engineer their desired results, namely a large Hillary Clinton lead (see "New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through 'Oversamples'" and "ABC/Wapo Effectively Admit To Poll Tampering As Hillary's "Lead" Shrinks To 2-Points"). In fact, just 16 days prior to the election an ABC/Wapo poll showed a 12-point lead for Hillary, a result that obviously turned out to be embarrassingly wrong for the pollsters.
But, proving they still got it, ABC/Washington Post and CNN are out with a pair of polls on Trump's favorability this morning that sport some of the most egregious "oversamples" we've seen. The ABC/Wapo poll showed an 8-point sampling margin for Democrats with only 23% of the results taken from Republicans...
...while the CNN poll showed a similar 8-point advantage for Democrats with only 24% of respondents identifying as Republicans.
"A total of 1,000 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones. Among the entire sample, 32% described themselves as Democrats, 24% described themselves as Republicans, and 44% described themselves as independents or members of another party.
Of course, as we've repeatedly pointed out, these sampling mixes couldn't be further from reality.
And while a quick 2 second review of the methodology of these polls immediately reveals their obvious bias, here are some of the results.
ABC latched on to the conclusion that Trump is just being super mean to the media...
57% of Americans see Donald Trump’s treatment of the news media as unfair in new @ABC News/WaPo poll:
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) January 17, 2017
Even though they found that the media is treating him "fairly."
Meanwhile, ABC/Wapo found that President-elect Trump is the least popular candidate to take the White House in modern history, with a 40% approval rating.
Moreover, his cabinet picks were equally disliked by ABC/Wapo respondents.
In conclusion:
The same people who did the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. They are rigged just like before.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 17, 2017