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Biden Blasts Trump-Putin Plan "To Collapse The Liberal International Order"

In a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Joe Biden took aim at president-elect Trump and Russian president Putin in what is likely his final public appearance as US vice-president.

The speech was long on scaremongery and war rhetoric and short on 'fact', as The Wall Street Journal reports, Mr. Biden said cooperation between the U.S. and Europe formed “the bedrock of the success the world enjoyed in the second half of the 20th century."

“Strengthening these values—values that served our community of nations so well for so long—is paramount to retaining the position of leadership that Western nations enjoy.”


Mr. Biden also leveled sharp criticism at Mr. Putin, whom Mr. Trump has praised and said he would seek to cooperate with. Mr. Putin’s goal, Mr. Biden said, was “to return to a world where the strong impose its will through military might, corruption, and criminality, while weaker nations have to fall into line.”


“With many countries in Europe slated to hold elections this year, we should expect further attempts by Russia to meddle in the democratic process,” Mr. Biden said. “It will occur again, I promise you, and again the purpose is clear: to collapse the liberal international order.”

So - bottom line - according to the vice-president of the only US president to have been at war every day of their 8-year-term, the American people have 'unwittingly' voted a man into office who puts the entire world order at risk of collapse.