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UK Home Secretary Says Trump’s Travel Ban Is Good For ISIS

UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd warns MPs that President Trump’s temporary travel ban on Muslims from seven countries and the suspension of refugee arrivals to the U.S. is a potential “propaganda opportunity” for ISIS. “The sources of terrorism are not to be found in the sources where the president is necessarily looking for them,” Rudd told a Committee at the House of Commons in Parliament. The Home Secretary believes that Donald Trump’s executive order is wrong, divisive and a potential recruiting tool for the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL/Daesh). reports: While giving evidence before the Home Affairs Select Committee, Rudd said although the move does not amount to a “Muslim ban,” people would “draw their own conclusions” about the nations that had been picked. The seven mainly-Muslim countries covered by Trump’s ban are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. “The sources of terrorism are not to be found in the sources where the president is necessarily looking for them,” she told MPs. Responding to fears that IS may try to portray the ban as a sign of Islamophobia in the West, Rudd acknowledged the terrorist group would “use any opportunity they can to make difficulties, to [...]

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