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European Union Vow To Steal ‘Superpower’ Status Away From U.S.

European Union leaders have promised to take over the role of being the world’s Superpower after America collapses following Donald Trump’s presidency.  According to Maltese prime minister Joseph Muscat, Trump’s isolationist policies will give Europe the “opportunity for leadership it has always craved” on the world’s stage. reports: He claimed countries around the world will be “looking” to Brussels for leadership in the aftermath of Mr Trump’s shock victory, which has been followed by a slew of controversial policy announcements. Mr Muscat spoke as European leaders prepare to gather in his home country’s capital city, Valetta, for what will be the final meeting of the EU Council before Britain triggers Article 50. Brexit and Mr Trump’s controversial ‘Muslim ban’ are likely to be hot topics of discussion at the informal get together, whilst bringing immigration under control is top of the agenda. Speaking today Mr Muscat, who holds extra clout whilst his tiny island home holds the rotating EU presidency, said Europe’s anger at the new US President must not translatee into “anti-Americanism”. In an interview with euractiv, he said: “The EU has to decide whether it is coming of age or not. That is the real big challenge ahead. [...]

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