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Soros Insider Suggests Military Coup Against President Trump

A former Obama official tied to the New America Foundation funded by billionaire George Soros, proposes carrying out a military coup to overthrow Donald Trump. Rosa Brooks, a former Defense Department official and a senior adviser in the State Department under the Obama administration, has outlined four ways to “get rid” of President Trump. In an editorial for Foreign Policy magazine, Brooks suggests four ways that President Trump can be removed from power. Among them are for Trump to be declared mentally unfit to hold office or to have him overthrown in a military coup. Infowars reports: Brooks now serves as the Schwartz senior fellow at New America, formerly the New America Foundation, a think-tank heavily funded by globalist billionaire George Soros. The Board of Directors of New America is currently chaired by Google CEO Eric Schmidt. “Are we truly stuck with Donald Trump,” Brooks asked in her posting for Foreign Policy. “It depends. There are essentially four ways to get rid of a crummy president.” Brooks went on to outline four ways to remove President Trump from office, including impeachment, declaring him mentally unfit for office, or b having the military overthrown him in a coup. While waiting for the [...]

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