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The Chart Larry Fink Thinks Is "Horrifying"

This is the chart that "horrifies" the CEO of the world's largest asset manager. This is the chart that has Larry Fink "seeing dark shadows in the market." Given the average investor's mainstream-media-trained hive-mind, we suspect some will be surprised by his choice...

As we detailed yesterday, "I see a lot of dark shadows," Fink said at the Yahoo event quoted by Reuters. "The markets are probably ahead of themselves."

In fact, rising consumer confidence in a time of record stock prices and deflationary pressures is what BlackRock Chief Executive Larry Fink calls "horrifying."


"The time to buy stocks was when both the S&P 500 and consumer confidence were at lows, like in 2009. Now with both at highs, Maybe you should be selling now," he said.

Additionally, in conversation with CEOs in Europe and the U.S., Fink finds one similarity: That they are bullish about what may come in the form of tax cuts and fewer regulations. But the majority of them are holding off on investing now.

“I believe we’re in the midst of a slowdown as we speak, because of all the uncertainty,” he said.

Sadly - just as Fink implicitly warns by pointing out the chart above specifically - the herd is rarely right... and they are all on one side right now...