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Trump Is ‘Seriously’ Considering Moving US Embassy To Jerusalem

Donald Trump says he is “thinking seriously” about moving the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds. In an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom on Friday, the US president said that he is studying the relocation plan, stressing it is not an easy decision to make. There are fears that such a move could spark renewed violence in Israel and the Muslim world, and risks showing the US is no longer interested in pursuing a two-state solution. The holy city is contested by the Palestinians and Israel, who both claim it as their capital.   Press TV reports: The planned relocation of the American embassy to al-Quds remains a controversial issue and it has sparked fears of a renewed outbreak of violence across the Middle East. Palestinians oppose the move and have repeatedly warned Trump against such an action. Also, the Palestine Liberation Organization warned the US against the relocation of the embassy. The organization emphasized, the potential relocation would deliver a death blow to any prospects of the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and fuel extremism in the region. Trump’s rise has emboldened Israeli extremists to implement their illegal policies and further the occupational agenda. In early [...]

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