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Democrats Force Facebook and Google To Block Alternative Media

A powerful Democratic media watchdog has successfully convinced Facebook and Google to censor and suppress alternative media websites from their platforms.  According to a recently leaked briefing document from far-left liberal activist David Brock, his media organization, Media Matters, colluded with Facebook and Google in order to suppress alternative media websites from appearing in users’ newsfeeds and search results. reports: The leaked briefing book, entitled “Media Matters: The Top Watchdog Against Fake News and Propaganda — Transforming the Media Landscape” (obtained exclusively by the Free Beacon) was privately published by Brock in January to solicit donors, and lays out the strategy for controlling the  U.S. media narrative. The briefing book advances the narrative of “Fake News,” which actually began with Media Matters, and reveals Brock is attempting to launch what the hard-left calls “a meme.” A “meme” is essentially a narrative designed to discredit news organizations that dare report from anything other than a neoliberal perspective. The goal is to discredit any organization that doesn’t toe the neoliberal line. The main thrust of this narrative Brock is forwarding is to paint anyone who opposes the neoliberal agenda as “alt-right” – with a direct implication that they are racist, anti-Semitic, or [...]

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