Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has accused President Donald Trump of working for the Russians, arguing he should be locked up in prison for treason. In a hysterical tirade of abuse, the far-left extremist tweeted a series of attacks at Trump, designed to stir up anti-Russian feelings amid the current “deep state” coup d’etat against the White House. Moore is calling on Trump to resign, claiming that he “must have known” about the phone call between Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. reports: Flynn “did not make that Russian call on his own,” Moore suggested, claiming he was “instructed to do so” directly by Trump. Let's be VERY clear: Flynn DID NOT make that Russian call on his own. He was INSTRUCTED to do so.He was TOLD to reassure them. Arrest Trump. — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) February 14, 2017 “He’s only the first to go. One by one they will drop until the so-called president is told ‘you’re fired.’ Up next, Miller and Bannon,” Moore tweeted. He's only first to go. One by one they will drop until the so-called president is told "you're fired." Up next, Miller & Bannon. — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) February 14, 2017 Moore went on [...]
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