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Study: 2.1 Million Hispanics May Have Illegally Voted For Hillary

According to a 2013 study, over 2 million Hispanics who are not citizens of the United States may have illegally voted for Hillary Clinton during last years election.  According to the study by McLaughlin and Associates, and cited by The Washington Times, 13 percent of Hispanic non-citizens in the U.S. were registered to vote. reports: Donald Trump won the election but lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton. He has said several times he believes voter fraud was rampant. In the 2013 study, 13 percent of the non-citizen Hispanics said they were registered to vote. According to the Times, James Agresti of Just Facts examined the results, applied it to 2013 U.S. Census data, and concluded that as many as 2.1 million Hispanics could have been illegally registered to vote. “Contrary to the claims of many media outlets and so-called fact-checkers, this nationally representative scientific poll confirms that a sizable number of non-citizens in the U.S. are registered to vote,” Agresti said. It is against the law for non-citizens to register to vote in U.S. elections. During a lunch with a bipartisan group of senators last week, Trump brought new life to the issue of voter fraud by [...]

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