A Nevada lawmaker has proposed a new bill that would make mandatory implanting of computer microchips in humans a Class C felony. The idea of microchipping humans does not sit well with Republican Sen. Becky Harris of Las Vegas who has raised concerns over potential privacy and autonomous rights violations. She wants the new industry regulated before it gets too far ahead of itself. To track humans, a microchip is embedded in the body that collects information and allows for seamless interaction with a person like a doctor or a device such as a locked car. By Claire Bernish: Nevada — A new bill — proposed by a senator who sees the potential for tracking humans to come to fruition — would make mandatory microchipping of humans a Class C felony. Nevada State Senator Becky Harris believes Senate Bill 109 could be a pre-emptive measure against the worldwide push to implant humans with microchips — and the inspiration for the bill came from one of her constituents. “As I began to look into the issue I was surprised with the merit that I believe the issue warrants,” Harris told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday. Under the legislation, radio frequency identification [...]
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