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Jeff Sessions: Marijuana ‘Makes People Violent’ And ‘Lady Gaga Is Addicted’

Attorney General Jeff Sessions claims the administration is intent on banning marijuana nationwide because it “makes people violent” and “Lady Gaga is addicted to it.” Describing himself as “heartbroken” when former President Obama spoke out in favor of marijuana, Sessions rebutted Obama’s observation that marijuana is safer than alcohol by citing a renowned expert on substance abuse: “Lady Gaga says she’s addicted to it and it is not harmless.“ Sessions told reporters on Monday, “Most of you probably know I don’t think America is going to be a better place when more people of all ages and particularly young people start smoking pot. I believe it’s an unhealthy practice and current levels of THC in marijuana are very high compared to what they were a few years ago.” Forbes report: Sessions is right that THC levels are much higher, but many consumers are now easily informed as to the THC levels of products. In the past, there was little information regarding THC levels. If anything, the trend is shifting towards microdosing, which is consuming cannabis but in very small amounts–usually 5 mg. However, the attorney general was wrong when he said that there is real violence surrounding legal marijuana usage. “Experts are telling me [...]

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